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5 Over 40 Reviews
Quincy helped give us one of the greatest gifts, helping our sweet baby into the world and a positive home birth experience. This was our third child, first home birth. I was determined, yet nervous, and Quincy helped every step of the way with any questions or concerns we had. Her prenatal care was useful and informative-- my husband and I learned so much about birth than we have ever known (and again, this is our third baby). We could tell she was extremely knowledgable and experienced as well, which was something that was important to us and eased any fears. She herself is very supportive, encouraging, and calm, which made the birth process very doable and honestly not difficult as I had built up in my head. She gave me the confidence to believe in myself, and to listen and believe in my body through the journey. It was wonderful and I would not hesitate to have her part of our birth experience again. I would 10/10 recommend Quincy!
I had my home birth 1 week ago with Quincy. It was an amazing experience!! I felt nothing but support during my labor and felt empowered in making decisions and creating the lovely birth experience I desired. Quincy helped me maintain confidence in the ability of my body and my baby, and I felt confident in Quincy’s skills and ability to recognize any situations where more intervention may have been needed. When it came to making decisions surrounding the pregnancy and birth, she was great with making sure I had information on all the possible choices- both standard medical model and alternative options- and supporting whatever decisions I made. She was always very available to answer any questions promptly, and it’s great having that 1 on 1 support throughout pregnancy that you don’t get when going to an OBGYN office! Since I gave birth a week ago, Quincy has checked in with me every day since to see how baby and I are doing and if we need anything. Highly recommend seeing Quincy as your midwife!!!
Quincy was my daughters Midwife a few days ago. My daughter had a previous c-section 19 months prior to this delivery. As a labor and delivery nurse of 21 years, I was an anxious disaster when i heard my daughters plan, but came to terms with her decision. The moment I met Quincy, I truly felt comfortable and confident with her. Eased my mind tremendously!!!! My daughters home birth was the most incredible birth I have attended in the 21 years of delivering babies!!! Quincy was absolutely wonderful!!!!
Quincy was our midwife for our second baby, first home birth. My experience with her began before I was ever pregnant as she put some of my fears about home birth and previous experiences at ease. She made me feel confident in her abilities and professionalism. During my prenatal care, she always offered all standard model of care options as well as alternatives I could choose from. I felt very prepared for birth; we had open communication when contractions started and she came as soon as I was ready. Her calm demeanor during labor allowed me to stay in my proper headspace yet she offered some guidance when I needed it. Once my baby was born, she was able to clean everything which was so nice. She took her time with the newborn check and aftercare instructions and was always available postpartum for questions or concerns. Thanks to Quincy, I had a phenomenal pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience!

I’m so grateful for the resource I found in Revelation Midwifery/Quincy Bates.
I could never have envisioned myself having the birth I wanted in the hospital setting. I was so serendipitously blessed by making acquaintance with Quincy as a neighbor when we moved to our home several years ago. When I became pregnant we reached out to her and she was kind in holding room for me even thought I was seeing an OB at the time. I received quality care with regular appointments in her office and appreciated her practical and empowered view of the birth experience. I had a beautiful birth that I can recall with peace and joy. Her calm demeanor and wealth of expertise really shined in my moments of intense labor. Her assistant was warm, kind and gently reassuring to me as well. I felt safe in their care. This was my first and only birth experience and I’m so happy it was a positive one thanks to these amazing, highly skilled professionals. If you’re looking for a midwife, look no further and I wish you a beautiful birth.

~Kiley H

“Quincy provided exceptional care for me during pregnancy and childbirth. In our prenatal care visits she always took the time to discuss in detail any questions or concerns I had. In addition, I could always txt or call her for any questions without having having to wait until the next time I saw her helping me feel at ease. Although I had to be transferred to have an emergent c-section; Quincy stayed by my side at all times. Helping me feel secure and at peace even in a scary situation. Despite the circumstances I would choose to do the same thing again.

I recommend Quincy to any person considering a home birth!”

~Emma B

As soon as I got pregnant I knew I wanted a homebirth, so I was able to hire Quincy early on- definitely the way to do it! Being able to have family centered prenatal appointments and watch my oldest child experience listening to Baby’s heartbeat and help measure my belly as it grew was pure magic. There was no pressure/feeling forced surrounding the prenatal tests, just information and grace on each subject until I felt ready to make my own decision. From prenatal til postpartum, Quincy was there each step of the way to inform and empower my entire family for whatever may come. We now have the happiest, healthy baby who was brought Earth side in comfort and full love (and a mommy with no birth trauma and heart full of gratitude after having a dream birthing experience).

My planned homebirth turned freebirth, and it was very fast and absolutely ecstatic.

I only had 12 minutes of active labor and ended up catching my baby boy myself without anyone else in the room. I was completely present and aware and confident and informed- much of this thanks to Quincy. My body was prepared for this birth,  and I followed it without hesitation. My husband called Quincy to let her know and she was there in a flash to help me with the rest of the process. I couldn’t be happier with my birthing experience- I cherish being able to say “I LOVE GIVING BIRTH!”

~Danielle F

I don’t even know where to begin to tell anyone about my amazing experience with Quincy and her team. From the beginning, I have always felt an unspoken comfort with Quincy. She is everything we wanted for our third pregnancy. We had two terrible experiences with hospitals and doctors when we had our girls, so we knew with this third pregnancy, (we kept the gender a surprise) we wanted a new and better experience. Ladies, I know it can be scary to think of having a baby at home (it was my third and I was still scared), but it will be the most raw, beautiful, sacred, unapologetic, and powerful experience of your existence. Quincy always took her time with us at our appointments and really helped answer all our questions.  She even provided books/DVDs for us to borrow. During the birth, she was calm and reassuring, had impeccable timing, and was able to keep in contact with me all day to make sure everything was going according to plan. Being at home had so many more benefits than the hospital. I got to walk around freely and do whatever I pleased while I was in early labor. My water broke around 9am, so we all just got to enjoy our final moments as a family of four. I was able to eat and drink the entire time, if I wanted. When things started getting serious, I was able to lie in my bed, and listened to relaxing music, with candles lit. Quincy came to my rescue at the exact perfect moment when I was starting to get a little scared, AKA hard labor. We had the “birth tub” ready to go, and when Quincy and her crew came in, they quietly got everything ready, checked on me while I was in the throes of hard labor, but never disrupted me. I got in the birth tub and I was so amazed that I actually let myself be taken over by the labor. I’m not sure if it’s because I threw myself into the perspectives of Ina May or what, but this was my shortest labor, biggest baby, and I had no swelling or stitches needed!!!! I will repeat… No Swelling, No stitches!! The big sisters even got to be involved. (I didn’t notice at the time though.) I got to keep the lights low with the candles lit. No “she’s having a baby, turn on the spotlight and bring 40 people in here to look at this” while aggressively telling me to push! Like the hospital experience. Quincy was there to help me pause when I needed to, instead of rushing the process like I had previously done. We didn’t have any visitors so they even took pictures for us.  We are so thankful to have those pictures. I didn’t any pictures with the first two births. I will never forget what a wonderful experience Arlo’s birth was. It brings tears of joy to my eyes almost every time I think about it. I thought I was done having kids, but this last experience was so wonderful…. I may just have one more! (Talk about some job security Haha) We love our Quincy”

~ Robyn

I enjoyed the experience a lot! I was very apprehensive leading up to it because it was a new thing but as it went on I felt super comfortable with Quincy in charge. What can I say? You can tell this lady knows how to deliver a baby. Quincy and her crew were perfectly on time and showed up ready to go! She had us prepared for everything. She took the time to build a solid relationship with us and understand our concerns. She was very patient with all of our questions. With her assistance we welcomed our little boy into the world and I was the first to see him! Thanks Quincy!

No need for the hospital!


When I first moved to the desert I was 7 1/2 months pregnant with few options, it was either a hospital birth or a home birth. I was born at home I knew having a midwife was the way I wanted to go and even though I was planning to give birth at a birthing center (we were living in San Diego where that is a choice), I knew a home birth was what I wanted instead of a hospital one. Quincy was wonderful, very thoughtful and knowledgeable, but she most importantly when it came to the day Cyan Nova was born into the world she supported me in my choices during the birthing process which ended up being laboring on the medicine ball without pain and giving birth standing up with my husband catching his son. Giving birth at home welcoming my son into the world surrounded by his family was an joyous experience and if you are thinking of having a home birth do the research but I have to say the experience I had along with my family was amazing and Quincy is a great Mid Wife, if a home birth is for you I would definitely recommend using her.

~ Tara J.

I could just say ditto to my last evaluation form Reagan’s birth as it certainly would apply. But I’d also like to say how grateful we are to have people like you doing what you do. The personalized care which we receive from you folks is unmatched in the medical field. How great it is that you make yourselves available to us 24/7 whenever we should have a question or concern. That is so cool and I can’t even say how helpful and comforting it is to know we can call anytime and not just during business hours.

People often call me brave for birthing at home, but I know I am less brave than those who choose to risk giving birth at a hospital with all the sicknesses and interventions that could adversely affect a normal birth there. I am thankful I found you guys for my first birth so I didn’t need to experience a negative hospital birth to motivate me to do it differently. Both of my births were such wonderful experiences which we will hold as cherished memories. Thanks so much for your efforts and concern. We will be forever grateful to you for making Reagan’s and Savannah’s entries into this world positive, beautiful events. I can’t imagine birthing anywhere else but at home. I just wish others would follow suit and have equally great experiences. I couldn’t recommend any other professionals more highly than you and your assistants. You do fantastic work. Thanks for your continued support! We love you like family!!

~ The Scoville Family (who also welcomed a third daughter in 2009 with the same homebirth “Team”)

“My husband Chris and I considered Quincy to be our guardian angel when we tried to have a “home” experience at a hospital. She was there for us when my water broke early but I wasn’t contracting yet, there when I labored at home as long as I thought I could, and the gentle whisper in my ear as I labored in the hospital. I had a pretty intense back labor and it was so refreshing to have Quincy there to not only keep me calm, but also help alleviate any worries or stress Chris had.

However, it was the postpartum experience that convinced me that Quincy was our angel and that we will have a home birth with her next time. She was available at our first frantic call to help when they decided to transfer us to pediatrics, to help with nursing since Avery didn’t want to latch at first, and to help me keep perspective on what the Doctors were telling me to be “truth” about jaundice, etc. Chris and I talked about our experience a few months later and we are both so thankful for Quincy. I praise God for bringing her into our lives for the birth of our daughter Avery. Chris consistently passes her name on to pretty much any pregnant woman he runs into. I’m convinced that if a husband is that excited about a doula, you know she’s a great woman.”

~ Tiffany V. (who gave birth to a son at home in 2011)

“I spent a lot of time with doctors trying to find someone who made me feel like I wasn’t just a patient with money, I was looking for an experience, a feeling, someone who was excited that I was going to have a baby. Those ideas were crushed as I found that no doctor I had met had any patience to get to know me, let alone spend five minutes telling me anything regarding my pregnancy- their method was, “you need this, we say so, it doesn’t matter why.” More often than not I left their office in tears (hormones or not, they were very brutal.) When we decided on a home birth, Quincy’s name kept popping up everywhere. Friends of friends, the internet, this person and that person. We called and made an appointment. When Quincy came to our door, we knew right away this is what we wanted, and this is WHO we wanted to attend our birth. We went from consultation straight into our first prenatal visit, where she explained step by step what she was doing and why. When it came to giving birth, Quincy was right there, helping me relax, guiding me through each contraction, and allowing me to deliver my baby. She trusted my body to do what it was made to do, and in turn I trusted her and knew I could do it, too. She gave me something amazing, an experience I will never forget. She allowed me to work hard and never gave up on me. We will be calling her the next time we find out we’re pregnant- we want her there beginning to end.”

~ Bri S. (had another beautiful birth at home in 2010)

Quincy is amazing!! She was my doula for my second child. My first birth was very traumatic and medical. Quincy helped me come to terms with a lot of the anger and frustration I felt from the first birth. She really opened my eyes to what a beautiful and natural experience birth is. She took so much of her time to educate my husband and I. Learning that I had control over my medical care and that the doctor really is my employee gave me back that sense of control I felt was taken away. Although my second child was born in a hospital, I labored at home as long as possible and I had all the support I could need. Quincy really helped to support my husband through the process as well. Her care and friendship did not end there. She has provided me with more information in the care of both of my children and other medical issues I have encountered. My third child is due in December and I am so excited to say he will be born at home with Quincy as my midwife.

~ Kari S (had a beautiful, peaceful home birth Dec 2008)

Living in a small town, I thought it might be hard to find a doula and midwife. Turns out, though the choices are limited, it was much easier for me than it was for my sister with all the choices San Francisco could provide for her. Quincy was the right choice for us and made me feel lucky to live here. She’s able to offer her warmth and experience without ever seeming intrusive. My eyes were closed a lot during our homebirth labor, but I knew it was Quincy who was keeping me as comfortable as possible. Regardless of your birth scenario, who may be there or where it may be, Quincy can be that invisible little boost that helps you be the best new mother you can be.

~ Amber A

Imagine — our daughter-in-law alone on a base in 29 Palms, CA — our son in combat in Iraq — and we are in Colorado. We start hearing stories about this lady named Quincy……well, I was there to witness her in action for the birth of our grand baby — and what a miracle this doula, my daughter-in-law and the baby were! Its an experience I haven’t forgotten and it was May of 2003! Immediately, Quincy came into the birthing room & made it a place of peace & harmony & never lost her focus on Patricia. Quincy helped her every step of the way & because of her there was no negative energy in the room. When the baby arrived Quincy quickly grabbed the camera & recorded every moment so Daddy who was half a world away could share the whole experience later. Once you have had Quincy attend you at a birth, you won’t want to have it any other way — you won’t be able to imagine going through it without her! Bless you, Quincy — you are our little Skyler’s Angel on Earth!

~ Debi G

In my 1st pregnancy, my husband and I took a Bradley class but we did not take the time to research the facts about home birth, so we stayed with an OB/GYN and ended up with a C-section. I was very disappointed and didn’t get to hold my son right after he was born, so I had a difficult time bonding with him and consequently suffered from postpartum depression. After that, I thought I would never have the birth I wanted, but 5 years later, we were pregnant again. My OB said she would let me attempt a vaginal birth, but only if I gave birth by 39 weeks or else a C-section would be needed. I mentioned home birth to my husband and how I wanted to have a drug free, calm, and safe environment and he told me he would support me in any decision. After praying about it, I got my answer and called a midwife (Quincy). Our home visits were awesome and our 1st son got to be a part of it too. At 38 weeks, my water broke, and Christy (the Midwife Assistant) came all the way from Tehachapi to be a part of my home birth team; Quincy, Christy and Karen Baker were all awesome together. My girlfriend (and chiropractor) described it like a laboring spa: They gave me encouragement and made sure I stayed hydrated and was eating to keep up my energy, not to mention the massaging from everyone. After 24 hours, I was exhausted and in the middle of pushing, my contractions stopped. They had my counter full of herbal remedies to take and told me to go get some rest before my contractions started up again; they never gave up on me and let my body do what it needed to do. They had great ideas on getting my contractions going again and that next morning they all worked, even the lunges were worth it. I started progressing again and had my son that afternoon. I got to hold him the moment he was born and the bonding started instantly! It was amazing and the care from my Home Birth Team was unbelievable. Quincy, Christy and Karen are amazing midwives and my family was very blessed to have them with us for the birth of our son. God has blessed those midwives with so much patience and love for pregnant and laboring women.

~The McCain Family

Thank you Quincy for helping us bring our precious Jenivieve into this world. You and Karen brought a sense of peace with you when you arrived just before our little one arrived. Even though she threw us all a curve ball you remained focused and calm and knew exactly what to do. You are a true professional. Thank You So Much for sharing in our miracle.

~ Love, Jason and Andrea

Quincy is awesome! She assisted us with the birth (at home) of our two daughters. Very thorough, attentive to mom’s needs and wants, and carefully addresses all aspects of required care. Would not hesitate to use or recommend

~ Chris & Ashley Little

Having a homebirth was one of the major highlights of my life! The first time it was so “new” being a first time mommy that I didn’t know what to expect. All I knew was that I was determined to have a homebirth because I was afraid to have my baby in the hospital. I started getting into natural living and I didn’t want any drugs or medical interventions that would most likely cause complications so homebirth was my best choice! It was a rush being able to have a baby in my bedroom with no drugs! After about 36 hours of labor including 7 hours of pushing my son finally came out! My 2nd homebirth was only 4 hours including only 8 min of pushing in the water! Quincy Bates was amazing as my midwife and if God blesses me with more I will definately use her again!

~Crystal Walker (has since has 2 more home/water births, welcoming 2 daughters)

I had my son, who’s now 2 1/2, with Dr. Gomez at Desert Hospital completely natural and without any complications. I did however had to have medication for my severe morning sickness. Luckily, I had wonderful insurance and things somewhat went smoothly during each doctor’s visit. As time passed, it was time to start prenatal care for my second baby. I once again had severe morning sickness and required medication. This time having different insurance and having to pay out-of-pocket for everything…I was treated more differently. I hadn’t seen my primary doctor for five months and every visit I’d have to reschedule or wait over an hour. And this was all at the same doctor’s office as before. I didn’t understand this one bit. Upon my constant frustration with them, I then found out about Quincy from a close friend who had two beautiful water births. I called Quincy to find out more information. At first my husband was skeptical but upon answering all our questions and concerns, we grew a great relationship. She was always caring, friendly, and professional. Having my daughter at home with Quincy, her assistant (Karen), and family by my side…I wouldn’t have it any other way! It was truly a beautiful, relaxing, and joyous experience! I will always and highly recommend Quincy to everyone!

~Tiani H

It was a wonderful experience to have my little baby girl in the comfort of my own home where my children, husband, and family could participate fully in this life-changing experience. And, I honestly can’t imagine not having Quincy there. It was comforting to know that I was in good hands and could trust her experience and wisdom. She led me gently through every contraction and every change that brought me closer to finally having my little girl in my arms. I would definitely encourage other soon-to-be moms to give Quincy, and this incredible home birth experience, a chance. You will not regret it!

~Vanessa B

There are so many differences in the experience of having a home birth and the experiences I’ve had in the hospital. During my home birth labor, I was left alone to move how I wanted and go where I wanted. Others were there to assist me, but they let me do what my body knew how to do already. My baby was brought into the world without the harshness of bright lights, harsh medical equipment, loud sounds and a bunch of people that I didn’t know. The experience was personal, powerful, gentle and loving. We were never separated from our baby and he was handled very gently and lovingly. I feel so grateful to have had this experience and grateful for the education and help I received from Quincy, Karen, her assistant, and my wonderful husband, Matt.

~Michelle J

Words cannot express how thankful I am for you during Genevieve’s birth. Admittedly, my homebirth exceeded my expectations and I am so overwhelmed by the entire experience. May the Lord bless you and your business as you serve Him!

~Hailey W

Ellie and I had our six week checkup today, bittersweet. Words cannot describe how thankful I am to our amazing midwife, Quincy. She never questioned my ability to birth my daughter even after two c-sections. Quincy’s support, confidence, education and patience allowed me to have the most empowering, beautiful birth experience. I will forever be grateful for her. My only regret was not finding/learning about Quincy and midwifery care before I had Chloe. I am incredibly thankful my daughters will know how amazing and empowering natural childbirth is!

~Megan F